Lent Series - Day 5 - The Garden of Eden

Today's reflection is on...

The Garden of Eden

Today is the fifth day of Lent.

Today we visit the Garden of Eden considering how everything has been provided for us there. I thought you might like to look at some metaphysical definitions of Garden and Eden for a fresh perspective as we begin to move into the Twelve Powers of Man over the next few days.

First from The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary - Charles Fillmore author:

A pleasant, harmonious, productive state of consciousness in which are all possibilities of growth. When man is expressing in harmony with Divine Mind, bringing forth the qualities of Being in divine order, he dwells in Eden, or instate of bliss in a harmonious body.

The "garden" symbolizes the spiritual body in which man dwells when he brings forth his thoughts after the original divine ideas. This garden is the substance of God (Eden) or state of perfect relation of ideas to Being. The Garden of Eden is the divine consciousness. Having developed a consciousness apart from his divine nature, man must "till the ground from whence he was taken," that is, he must come into a realization of God as the source of his Being and must express ideas in harmony with Divine Mind. Wisdom and love are joined in God, and a perfect balance is struck in consciousness between knowing and feeling when man spiritualizes his thoughts.

From The Revealing Word - Charles Fillmore, author:

Metaphysical meaning of Eden - Eden, Garden of--Represents a region of Being in which are provided all primal ideas for the production of the beautiful. As described in Genesis, it represents, allegorically, the elemental life and intelligence placed at the disposal of man and through which he is to evolve both mind and body. The human body with its psychical and spiritual attributes comprises a miniature Garden of Eden. When man develops spiritual insight and in thought, word, and act voluntarily operates in accord with divine law, then rulership, authority, and dominion become his in both mind and body. "The kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21

Today I invite you to spend some time in sacred silence and begin by closing your eyes and saying: "Show me the Garden of Eden.' Just allow, feel whatever comes up for you with the knowing that all has been provided for you; everything you could ever want, need or desire. It's all in there.

Over the next few days we will look at our power to access all that is available to us in this Garden of Eden so that our joy will be complete and our lives will be blissful and bliss-filled!

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to dive in deeper, the suggested Scripture reading for today is: John 14:1-12

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent

To this end I affirm: "It is not I, 'but the Father abiding in me doeth his works.' " - Charles Fillmore