Lent Series - Day 33 - Mount of Transfiguration

Today's reflection is on...

Mount of Transfiguration

Today is Friday the 33nd day in Lent.
This is entry number 38 in this series.

Today we look at Mount of Transfiguration...

Let me be clear within myself, within my heart and mind, that the only choice, and the choice I must make is love. Every response, everything I Am being, saying and doing must be rooted and grounded in love and the Divine Love that breathes me. Let me be clear in all my choices by turning to the Divine Wisdom within the Divine Presence that lives me.

Let us be clear enough to trust Spirit to remove the fear that so many of us live by. Let us be clear enough to choose to live our lives free from the pain and suffering of fear based living and rise in love. Let us all claim our infinite potential and greatness and shine our Light. Let us realize we are one with this Light that dissolves all fear. Let us all stand transfigured in reverential awe of our own Light.

Divine Light penetrates all that has appeared as real but is unreal. The illusions vanish and fade in Divine Light. Spirit moving freely within reveals our Oneness and announces our Divine Brilliance declaring what needs to be discovered is now found and it is within all. Divine Light clears away, doubt, fear, ignorance and thoughts of lack and limitation that are artificial. Our true Source is revealed in all ITS infinite glory. Standing on a foundation of spiritual strength and power we now claim the Reality of our Kingdom of Good, our Bounty of Prosperity and reap the Divine Fruits of Wisdom, Inspiration and Guidance. Here we stand now transfigured, radiating the Light of our 'I Am.'

- Stephen J. Kosmyna

Jesus is my Way-Shower. In His name affirm: "My mind and body are radiant with the light of Spirit, and I am triumphant, glorious, splendid."  - Charles Fillmore

The Scripture reading that Charles Fillmore suggests for today can be found right here: Matthew 17:1-13.

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent