Lent Series - Day 27 - Principle

Today's reflection is on...


Today is Friday the 27th day of Lent.
This is entry number 31 in this series.

Today we look at Principle...

There is one thing we can be sure of, one thing that we can have confidence in and one thing that should be the foundation of our security and comfort. That is Principle as our Truth and God is that Principle.

Unchanging, everywhere present, all wisdom and power and all good that just 'Is' - always 'Is' and will 'Be.' Enduring and changeless Beingness is Principle and an everlasting Presence of Good. There is no place where we can go where God is not. I Am that I Am. In that Principle of Good we live and move and have our being. Principle lives and moves and 'Is' in us, as us and through us. Our Truth is the infinite potential of Principle as our Source of Good, now and always.

Affirm: My abundant supply is perpetual. My Source endures forever. This Principle of Good is my prosperity, now and always.

- Stephen J. Kosmyna

I affirm: "Principle is Truth. I know the Truth, and the Truth makes me free." - Charles Fillmore

The Scripture reading that Charles Fillmore suggests for today can be found right here: John 5:19-47.

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent