Lent Series - Day 16 - Life

Today's reflection is on...


Today is the 16th day of Lent.
This is entry number 18 in this series.

Today we look at the spiritual power of Life

In this moment let us be filled with the light of peace and stand on the shore of our goodness making ourselves ready to accept It. Let us call in the waves of abundant blessings that move towards us at all times whether we’re looking through the lens that enables us to see them or not.

With faith, as we walk the shoreline and touch the sea of our good, let us allow this Divine flow of Spirit to infuse us with even more of Life. Let the gladness rise in us as we begin to see the tides of good that perpetually prosper us and wash over us with each and every breath we take.

Let the peace we feel as we stand on the shore, walk by the stream, gaze at the stars and the energy we feel at the foot of the mountain, overcome us with a feeling of profound gratitude for the majesty of Life Itself.

Let us stand in the realization that this Life and the Light of Divine brilliance that fills all space and time must therefore also fill us and saturate us with Its good. Let this realization also include a knowingness that moment by moment, day after day we are filled to overflowing with peace, goodness, love, wisdom and joy, if we choose to accept it.

Let’s move this day to the place of peace within ourselves where we let go of all limiting thoughts that are inefficient to the acceptance of this good and let go of all negativity that blocks the door to our abundance. With profound gratitude let us all accept the goodness of the abundant blessings of Love and Life that have always been here, are here right now and will remain here for all time.”        

– Stephen J. Kosmyna

"I have the mind of Christ. My words are spiritually quickened and they are alive forevermore. I am filled with the vitality and vigor and health of Jesus Christ- Charles Fillmore

The Scripture reading that Charles Fillmore suggests for today can be found right here: John 4:1-26

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent