Lent Series - Day 10 - Power

Today's reflection is on...


Today is Saturday, the tenth day of Lent. 
This is entry number 11 in this series.

Today we look at the spiritual power of POWER

We get to choose the thoughts we hold dominant. We have been given dominion over our world through the power to mold, shape and make manifest those thoughts through the power of our spoken word.

It is so important to always remember that our thoughts are creative and our words are attractive. Even the unattractive language we use at times is attracting something either a positive or negative state of consciousness with the power to shape our experience. Always choose your words wisely, especially the words that follow your 'I Am' statements.

 Let us be always mindful and aware of our 'I AM' statements. They have the power to create, draw forth and attract our good. Watch yours this day, it starts with thoughts and choices. Say I am sick or I Am created healthy whole and complete, I am broke or I Am living in a prosperous world, I am afraid and living with fear or I Am Love and Spirit expressing as love today in every way I can, in every moment. I Am that, I Am.

The Scripture reading that Charles Fillmore suggests for today is titled God is Love. It's beautiful and can be found right here in Luke 4:31-44

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent

In His name I affirm: "All the issues of my life are stirred to action by the quickening Christ power, and I have dominion over my thoughts and my feelings." - Charles Fillmore