Living Inspired

We were so blessed to have Rev. Stephen Kosmyna give the message on November 22, 2016.  The Title of his talk was Living Inspired - Tribulation to triumph, against all odds.  One man’s story of reaching inside and finding something he didn’t even realize was there. I will use the Unity Principles and the 12 Powers to enhance the telling of this power story.

Stephen is an ordained Unity Minister and the newest addition to the ministerial, spiritual counseling and life coaching staff at First Unity of St. Petersburg, FL. He recently relocated to Florida from the Detroit area of Michigan after his ordination as a Unity Minister in May of 2014.

Stephen is extremely passionate about working with individuals and groups doing prosperity and dream building work along with transformational life coaching. His company, Success Ocean International, whose tag line is Whole Life Prosperity, distributes an award winning success and leadership training curriculum, human potential development material and personal prosperity training products.

He is a certified life coach, a certified law of attraction practitioner, a new age marketing professional and a personal branding expert as well. His focus is helping individuals live an inspired life, establish a prosperity and abundance consciousness and helping others to realize and experience their dreams of financial independence through entrepreneurship.

 He also makes himself available to help others working through grief and individuals and groups seeking to explore a deeper prayer and meditation experience.