Lent Series - Day 6 - Faith

Today's reflection is on...


Today is Tuesday the sixth day of Lent.

Today we look at the power of faith in our lives. We all have it and we all tap into it one way or another. What do we have faith in? What are we choosing to believe as true for us on this positive path for spiritual living?

Are we believing in a responsive Universe that will indeed respond according to the level and degree of our faith in IT? A benevolent Universe must respond according to our faith in IT by ITS own design. Our desires placed in the unseen and invisible world of non form are already ours in the field of infinite potential once we have the sincere desire and feel its alignment with our core values. Faith is the power that draws it forth into the world of form and that which is seen; our field of experience.

All too often we move to faith as a last resort and / or we give up too soon by keeping score, expecting results before the Universe has finished lining everything up for us according to what we believe.

Spend some time today in the sacred silence just saying the word faith until you feel it is part of you. Don't give the monkey chatter anything to argue with, simply say the word then begin saying, 'Faith, I have it in abundance.' You're subconscious will have accept this as true because we all have faith in something one way or another. Let's just begin right now to direct that faith in the direction of positive expectancy.

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to dive in deeper, the suggested Scripture reading for today is: Hebrews 11:1-12

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent

"I have faith in the glorious infusion of the more abundant life of Christ vitalizing me. I am lifted up and healed." - Charles Fillmore