Lent Series - Day 30 - Divine Judgment

Today's reflection is on...

Divine Judgment

Today is Tuesday the 30th day in Lent.
This is entry number 35 in this series.

Today we look at Divine Judgment...

Rather than looking at this and seeing only the word judgment, I invite you to see through the lens of Divine Judgment and I am not talking about the Divine judging you, that won't happen so relax. I'm inviting you to use wise judgment of what you allow in from the world of sense or earthly consciousness.

Seeing with the eyes of your divine self, judge rightly the thoughts, words and actions that shape you and express through you and be sure that they are positively aligned with your sacred heart and soul.

You are a Divine Expression, reject that which is not aligned with your holy self. Choose to live from the infinite divine potential within you and leave out all the rest.

Affirm: I allow only thoughts, I speak only words, I take only the actions that move myself and others to a realization of the abundant love and prosperity that flows from within. I choose to stand in the divine flow of increase and plenty, and I Am grateful.

- Stephen J. Kosmyna

I affirm: "My judgment is just, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father." - Charles Fillmore

The Scripture reading that Charles Fillmore suggests for today can be found right here: Luke 6:37-49

In his classic work Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore offers daily words of inspiration to reflect on as we move ourselves towards our own resurrection day and the glorious celebration of Easter Sunday and all the newness of Life that it holds for all of us.

For those of you that would like to read along with the book you can find it here on line, just click here: Keep a True Lent