Dicovering the Art of Balance

"Discovering the Art of Balance"

Jim has been a student of philosophy & religion since early childhood.  He has lived and practiced in a yoga center in his early years, has read many religious texts, studied many Buddhist teachers with Jack Kornfield being a major influence and studied Unity teachings since 1998.  He believes in the goodness & abundance of Life and that all things are deserving of Love.  He has spoken at several Unity churches about abundance and gratitude.  Jim is a past President of the Board of Trustees of this church and has contributed his time and talents to the church, including the woodworking for the alter, guitar concerts and many hours of service in the bookstore and on church functions.  He continues to contribute as needed and studies the Course in Miracles daily.

"Heaven on earth is a choice we must make not a place we must find."

It's a talk about how to attract what you really want in life and how to negotiate the pitfalls that inevitably come our way.  Living with a grateful heart and being honest with yourself are keys.