Become an Open Channel

Become an Open Channel Using Unity's affirmation for April this year... "I am an open channel, through which the healing, prospering currents of God's life, power, and joy are now flowing."

Shirley Geer grew up in rural Nebraska, and through connections with the U.S. Air Force, lived in 8 states, West Germany, and traveled widely throughout Europe.  She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, at Auburn University at Montgomery, and received a scholarship to attend Tufts University, near Boston, where she earned a Master of Science degree in Social Psychology.
Shirley's career has included management-level work in several health and social work organizations; she became a certified hypnotherapist with a private practice for over 18 years, and after 20 years of private spiritual studies, was ordained as a New Thought minister in 2000. 
She and Andre DiMatteo met through a video-dating service, and have been married for 25 years.  They moved from Boston to Fairhope, AL in 1998.
In 2012, she published her first book, The Source Is With You, to help people in all walks of life deal with daily challenges while developing their spiritual nature.
Shirley comes to us from Unity on the Eastern Shore in Fairhope, AL.  The church celebrated its 25th  year since its founding last Sunday.  She has served as the minister there for the past nine years.